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由小阿多弗·亚历克斯执导, 塞巴斯蒂安·卡斯特罗,Mikoy Morales主演的好看的电影4天情人节其它2016年推出,此片讲述了

  We sometimes have to wrestle with our own demons to find our true self.
  4 Days tells the story of two school friends who slowly realize they mean more to each other than either had initially realized. 4 Days joins Derek and Mark in the days leading up to Valentine's Day over the course of a few years- charting the blossoming of a friendship in to something much more enduring as time goes on- and challenging both to question who they thought they were and who they truly want to me. Painting a moving picture of how an abiding friendship can sometimes lead to love- and how we sometimes have to wrestle with our own demons to find their true self, 4 Days is an achingly romantic and delicate teenage love story.
  Lead actors Mikoy Morales and Sebastian Castro give exceptional, often heartbreaking performances in this thoughtful and patient romance ? wherein the awkward silences and furtive glances speak volumes.

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